Ways to write an essay
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Swot Analysis of Meru
SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths: Meru Cabs was one of the principal organizations to dispatch metered â€Å"Radio cabs†in India under its image â€Å"Meru. †Meru has caught the primary mover advantage in this section. Meru is celebrated among its clients so much that when individuals consider cooled taxis they partner it with Meru. Meru taxis offer great preparing to their drivers with the goal that they can keep up the Meru level of customer administration. They likewise normally keep up their taxis which make it flawless and clean thus suburbanites make the most of their ride.They have advanced altered confirmation meters so there is no way cheating. Shortcoming: Meru taxis to a great extent rely upon innovation directly from the second to get clients to drop them. They use GPRS framework to follow the clients and to drop them to their area and furthermore to show them the genuine assessed time. So if there is any server disappointment or breakdown it gets hard for the taxi s to work easily. Generally Meru taxis are accessible when clients call for it. So there is delay between the call time and genuine ride. They are not as effectively accessible as nearby non cooled cabs.People for the most part favor meru taxis for significant distance travel. Opportunity: Meru so far is cooking just to significant metro urban areas. They ought to consider after stretching out their administrations to level two urban communities on the grounds that these urban communities are developing quickly. They can likewise consider after leasing vehicles without drivers. They can likewise refresh their clients with genuine flight time plans through Infotainment administrations. Meru ought to likewise think for vital association with different voyages entryways so they can broaden administrations like get and drop to clients to their inns, etc. Threats:Although Meru was the principal player in this portion; it is currently confronting solid rivalry from players like Tab Cab, M ega Cabs, etc. There is extremely less degree of separation among every one of these taxis. So this is disintegrating the piece of the overall industry of Meru. Cooled transports began by BEST in Mumbai is additionally rivalry to Meru taxis. Driver associations likewise end up being an issue numerous multiple times. Government guidelines and abrupt changes in strategies is likewise a danger. CRM of Meru to hold clients * No extra or concealed charges due to alter free meters * Printed receipts delivered toward the finish of each outing if there should be an occurrence of any objections, criticism and so forth , travelers can call Customer Service Center at 44224422 * Lost and discovered assets because of reliable drivers * Usage of clean green fuel since it utilizes LPG and CNG vehicles now a days to decrease contamination * Thoroughly prepared Chauffeurs in a keen MERU uniform, conversant in English and Hindi and territorial dialects * Users are urged to make profiles on the site f or quicker and simpler appointments next time * Round the clock accessibility of taxis sponsored by an area following GPS †based dispatch innovation and a 24ãâ€"7 Customer Service Center.This implies a snappier pickup and quicker reaction time to flag down for a taxi. * Tamper-verification computerized taxi meters, coordinated with the GPS-framework to guarantee that each charge is followed, consequently precluding any chance of cheating by the driver. * Ability to follow the area of the taxi ‘real-time’ through the GPS innovation * Emergency security highlights introduced in the taxi for complete wellbeing, including show of our Customer Service Center numbers inside each taxi †gives security in the event of a crisis PANIC BUTTON BENEFITS OF CRM * Customer division Market investigation like records of client profiles, profile, installment history and so on * Generation of precise leads and SMS blasts that target just the correct clients dependent on their di vision is conceivable * First time maintenance has expanded from 40 % to more than 90 % * Customized and improved bill groups, installment assortment through cards * Better worth included administrations were given * It encouraged information sharing among representatives * Option of booking a taxi in under 60 seconds * Reduced expense of client obtaining * Has brought about reserve funds on account of less calls
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Cutting Fluids and Lubrication in Manufacturing
Cutting Fluids and Lubrication in Manufacturing Significance Of Cutting Fluids And Lubrication In Manufacturing Processes 1. Presentation:- Cutting Fluids:- Cutting Fluid Management for Small Machining Operations iii Cutting liquids have been utilized broadly in metal cutting activities throughout the previous 200 years. In the first place, cutting liquids comprised of basic oils applied with brushes to grease up and cool the machine apparatus. Once in a while, fat, creature fat or whale oil was added to improve the oils lubricity. As cutting activities turned out to be progressively extreme, cutting liquid definitions became progressively mind boggling. Todays cutting liquids are exceptional mixes of substance added substances, greases and water planned to fulfill the presentation needs of the metalworking business. There are presently a few sorts of cutting liquids available, the most widely recognized of which can be comprehensively ordered as cutting oils or water-miscible liquids. Water-miscible liquids, including solvent oils, synthetics and semisynthetics, are presently utilized in roughly 80 to 90 percent everything being equal. Albeit straight cutting oils are less well known than they were before, they are as yet the liquid of decision for certain metalworking applications. Cutting liquids assume a huge job in machining tasks and effect shop efficiency, instrument life and nature of work. With time and use, liquids debase in quality and in the long run require removal once their proficiency is lost. Squander the board and removal have gotten progressively increasingly mind boggling and costly. Ecological obligation is additionally a significant worry with squander removal. Numerous organizations are currently paying for natural cleanups or have been fined by administrative offices as the consequence of poor waste removal rehearses. Luckily, cutting liquid life might be broadened essentially by actualizing a compelling liquid administration program. The essential target of liquid administration is to keep up liquid quality and execution through organization, observing, upkeep and reusing rehearses. This permits machine shops to make the most practical utilization of their liquid. It is likewise the best contamination anticipation innovation accessible. In general, liquid administration gives a way to: Work in an all the more earth sound way; Improve profitability and lessen costs; Increment intensity; Keep up ecological consistence and lessen natural obligation; Reliably make quality items; and Give a more advantageous and more secure workplace for representatives. Appropriate administration of cutting and granulating liquids may likewise keep them from being proclaimed an unsafe waste toward the finish of their helpful life. With expanding natural guideline, a decrease in cutting liquid waste is a conservative, down to earth and attainable objective. Cutting Fluids: (Lubricants + Coolants) Utilized in machining just as rough machining forms Lessens grating wear Lessen powers and vitality utilization Cools the cutting zone Wash away the chips Shield Machined surfaces from ecological consumption  · The term â€Å"cutting fluids†is utilized to mean the coolants and greases that are utilized in metal machining and their unified tasks like lapping, sharpening and so on. Slim divider processing of aluminum utilizing a water-put together slicing liquid with respect to the processing shaper. Cutting liquids are different liquids that are utilized in machining to cool and grease up the cutting apparatus. There are different sorts of cutting liquids, which incorporate oils, oil-water emulsions, glues, gels, and fogs. They might be produced using oil distillates, creature fats, plant oils, or other crude fixings. Contingent upon setting and on which sort of cutting liquid is being thought of, it might be alluded to as cutting liquid, cutting oil, cutting compound, coolant, or ointment. Each sort of machining (e.g., turning, drilling, boring, processing, introducing, pounding, sawing, molding, planing, reaming, tapping) can conceivably profit by one sort of cutting liquid or another, contingent upon work piece material. (Cast iron and metal are normally machined dry. Intruded on cuts, for example, processing with carbide cutters are typically prescribed to be utilized dry because of harm to the cutters brought about by thermo stun). 2. Cutting Fluid Characteristics Elements Of Cutting Fluid The essential capacity of slicing liquid is temperature control through cooling and grease. Utilization of cutting liquid likewise improves the nature of the workpiece by persistently expelling metal fines and cuttings from the instrument and cutting zone. Cutting Fluid Management for Small Machining Operations 2 Temperature Control Research facility tests have demonstrated that warmth delivered during machining has a distinct bearing on apparatus wear. Lessening cutting-instrument temperature is significant since a little decrease in temperature will incredibly expand cutting device life. As cutting liquid is applied during machining tasks, it evacuates heat via diverting it from the cutting apparatus/workpiece interface . This cooling impact keeps instruments from surpassing their basic temperature extend past which the instrument relax and wears quickly . Liquids likewise grease up the cutting instrument or work piece interface, limiting the measure of warmth created by rubbing. A liquids cooling and grease properties are basic in diminishing instrument wear and broadening apparatus life. Cooling and oil are additionally significant in accomplishing the ideal size, finish and state of the work piece. Nobody specific liquid has cooling and grease properties appropriate for each metalworking application. Straight oils give the best grease yet poor cooling limits. Water, then again, is an successful cooling specialist, expelling heat 2.5 occasions more quickly than oil. Alone, water is an extremely poor ointment and causes rusting. Dissolvable oils or synthetic compounds that improve grease, forestall erosion and give Other basic characteristics must be included request to change water into a decent metalworking liquid. Evacuation Of Cuttings And Particulates An auxiliary capacity of metalworking liquid is to expel chips and metal fines from the apparatus/workpiece interface. To keep a completed surface from getting damaged, cutting chips created during machining activities must be persistently flushed away from the cutting zone. Use of cutting liquid likewise lessens the event of developed edge (BUE). BUE alludes to metal particulates which hold fast to the edge of an instrument during machining of certain metals. BUE arrangement causes expanded contact and modifies the geometry of the machine device. This, thus, influences workpiece quality, regularly bringing about a poor surface completion and irregularities in work piece size. Metalworking liquids decline the event of BUE by giving a synthetic interface between the machine instrument and work piece. Cutting Fluid Properties Notwithstanding giving a decent machining condition, a cutting liquid ought to likewise work securely and viably during machining activities. Erosion Protection Cutting liquids must offer some level of erosion security. Newly slice ferrous metals will in general rust Quickly since any defensive coatings have been evacuated by the machining activity. A decent Metalworking liquid will hinder rust development to stay away from harm to machine parts and the work piece. It will likewise give a defensive film on slicing chips to forestall their erosion and the arrangement of Hard to-oversee pieces or clinkers. To hinder erosion, a liquid must forestall metal, dampness and oxygen from meeting up. Compound metalworking liquids presently contain added substances which forestall consumption through arrangement of imperceptible, nonporous movies. Mixes, (for example, amines and unsaturated fats) which structure a defensive covering on a metals surface, blocking concoction responses. Passivating films are framed by inorganic mixes containing oxygen, (for example, borates, phosphates and silicates). These mixes respond with the metal surface, delivering a covering that restrains erosion. The executives for Small 3 Cutting Fluid Strength/Rancidity Control In the beginning of the modern upheaval, fat oil was utilized as a cutting liquid. Following a couple of days, grease oil would begin to ruin and emit a hostile scent. This rancidity was brought about by microbes and other tiny life forms that developed and duplicated inside the oil. Current metalworking liquids are vulnerable to a similar issue. Regardless of how great the building characteristics of a coolant, on the off chance that it builds up a hostile smell, it can mess up the board. The poisonousness of a liquid may likewise increment significantly on the off chance that it gets smelly because of substance disintegration, perhaps making the liquid become a risky waste. Liquid rancidity abbreviates liquid life and may prompt expanded expenses and administrative weights related with liquid removal. A decent cutting liquid opposes deterioration during its stockpiling and use. Most cutting liquids are presently defined with bactericides and different added substances to control microbial development, upgrade liquid execution and improve liquid soundness. Straightforwardness And Viscosity In certain activities, liquid straightforwardness or lucidity might be an ideal trademark for a cutting liquid. Straightforward liquids permit administrators to see the workpiece all the more obviously during machining tasks. Consistency is a significant property as for liquid execution and upkeep. Lower consistency liquids permit coarseness and soil to settle out of suspension. Evacuation of these contaminants improves the nature of the liquid recycling through the machining framework. This can affect item quality, liquid life and machine shop efficiency. Cutting Fluid Management for Small Machining Operations 4 3. Liquid Selection Oil-Based Fluids including straight oils, solvent oils and ag-based oils Compound Fluids including synthetics and semisynthetics Liquids change in appropriateness for metalworking activities. Oil based cutting oils are much of the time utilized for dr
Friday, August 21, 2020
Essay Topics For More Successful Writing
Essay Topics For More Successful WritingEssay topics are one of the most important aspects of your writing. Of course, your essay will be fun and informative without having a good topic. So how do you make sure that your essay topics are all worth it?First, decide which topics are best for you. There are two categories of topics, those that are helpful and those that are not. For example, if you have plans to write an essay on raising children, then you should take that into consideration. On the other hand, if you want to discuss an unusual topic that is close to your heart, then you should also consider that in your topic.When considering which topics are most popular essay topics, it is important to note the fact that people tend to write about a range of subjects. Some write about religion, others write about arts and literature, while some write about philosophy and psychology. One of the best ways to get these different subjects to fit into an essay is to choose a topic that ca n be used in a wide variety of different ways. And if you can include enough interesting facts and opinions in your essay, then that is exactly what your audience is going to want to read.There are some essay topics that tend to be popular with all kinds of readers. This means that you do not have to worry too much about the subject matter of your essay because this kind of essay is certain to appeal to many people. When writing a journal essay, for example, you have to be very careful in your choice of topic, because if the essay is too long it can become boring. However, when it comes to an essay that uses a wide range of topics are written differently and that is why there is so much fun to be had with such essays.Not only do you need to find essay topics that will hold up to the standards of many readers, but you also need to make sure that your own interests are also represented in your essay. Many people like to get into different types of topics that can be close to their hea rts. If you enjoy taking pictures, then you should include photos in your essay. If you are a great shopper, then there is nothing wrong with a shopping-related essay. You simply have to be sure that you can write about it without seeming pretentious or disrespectful to your readers.In addition to personal interests, essay topics are also widely sought after by those who write and speak about a wide range of topics. You can use these essay topics as examples when you are preparing speeches, blog posts, and articles. By discussing various topics with your audience, you can then incorporate the ideas from their writings into your own essay.If you do not think that your essay topics are appropriate for your topic, then it is possible that your writing style could be the problem. One of the best ways to tell whether or not a particular essay topic will be enjoyed by your audience is to read through some of the comments and feedback that has been left for a particular topic. If people lo ve the idea, then they will comment on it. If people do not think that the idea is too exciting, then they will leave a comment to explain why.Once you have decided on essay topics, you can begin preparing for them. You will want to read about topics that you are interested in, prepare questions that you want to ask your audience, and look for different pieces of writing that people have written about the same topic. Make sure that you are trying to find out as much as you can about the topic before you begin writing your essay.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Essay on Physics of Rock Climbing - 1551 Words
Rock climbing is an exciting, but dangerous, sport. Since the 70s, climbing equipment has become more reliable and more safe. The physical laws behind rock climbing have not changed, but engineers have found ways to make safer and more reliable gear to help prevent a climber from falling. Rock climbing is all about physics. The main aspect of rock climbing is gravity. Gravity is what every rock climber faces every time they scale a wall. There are several forces involving rock climbing and they include friction, tensional force, and, of course, gravity. Friction is very important in rock climbing. If there was not friction, one would not be able to rappel or belay. Friction from the belay device assists in bleeding off some†¦show more content†¦The GriGri is great at stopping falls, but it does not allow for any rope slippage. What is great about the GriGri is it locks up automatically, much like a car seat belt, when a sudden force pulls on the rope. The bad thing about the Grigri is that if a climber has a serious fall, meaning from a great height, the climber comes to a sudden halt absorbing more of the energy. Increasing the deceleration time reduces the force. The Gri Gri has no deceleration time, which creates a high force that acts on the climber, rope, and anchor system. There are several devices that can be used to belay a climber. They all work using the same principle, by creating a frictional force to stop a fall or to bring someone to the ground. The rope passes through the belay device, then the free arm with the loose, tail end of the rope is swung back, preferably behind the back to provide the most possible friction on the belay device. The greater the angle between the two parts of the rope, the more frictional force there is in stopping a fall. Falling can hurt. It can be scary as well, especially when you are the lead climber and you are above your last piece of safety. When that is the case, the distance you fall can be twice as long than when you are below your last bolt. As you know, gravity acts on all objects with a downward pull towards the center of the earth. This downward force gives a climber energy. When climbers fall, theShow MoreRelatedMovie Report : Wild Walls Climbing Gym, Spokane, Washington. Photo2433 Words  | 10 Pagesthe previous page were taken at Wild Walls Climbing Gym in Spokane, Washington. Photo #1 exhibits a climber while on the rock wall, supporting his own weight. Photo #2 displays the system employed by rock climbers to stay safe in the case of a fall. Two photos were taken in order to compare the system while the climber is on the wall and ascending against when the climber has fallen off the wall and is hanging by the rope. In the sport of rock climbing, the goal is, obviously enough, to reach theRead MoreTeaching Our Young Children Math And Science1052 Words  | 5 Pagesagain. 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From this notion of riding a bike, an Olympic sport has evolved and many people have found meaning and joy in their lives. mRead More0001 Examples of Methods of Writing or Developing a Paragraph1793 Words  | 8 Pagesconcerned with atoms and their interactions with other atoms, and particularly with the properties of chemical bonds. Chemistry is sometimes called the central science because it connects physics with other natural sciences such as geology and biology. Chemistry is a branch of physical science butdistinct from physics. 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She also joined the all-girlsRead MoreGrade 8 (K-12) Science Teachers Guide13696 Words  | 55 PagesFnet = 0. The object will not move. Newton’s Three Laws of Motion 1. Start the session by introducing first Isaac Newton to the students. Provide some pictures if possible. Discuss some of his significant contributions especially in the field of physics, e.g., Newton combined his ideas and the ideas of the other scientists like Galileo to give us a more unified picture of how our universe works. He formulated the laws of motion and gravitation. Through his three laws of motion, we can describe andRead MoreOutline Of A Thesis Statement3601 Words  | 15 Pagesexplain to you why you shouldn’t waste your money on tributes who will soon meet their end, and sponsor me who will soon meet a beginning of the victor’s life. You should sponsor me because despite my athletic inexperience, I am very talented with climbing due to my long legs, I know how to use a large variety of weapons, and I have much knowledge on how to survive along with being able to retain sanity in the arena.†(Annie Truitt) Attention-Grabber / Hook Station: An attention-grabber or hook isRead MoreCase Study Red Bull - Further Market Expansion5431 Words  | 22 Pagesthe company sponsors dozens of extreme sporting events like: street luge, air acrobatics, surfing a 25-foot tidal bore, rail-sliding, mountain bike free-ride competitions, motocross freestyle rallies, climbing of iced-down silos etc. The company sponsor cultural events like break-dance contest and rock music jam sessions. †¢ †¢ †¢ 3 Hollensen, (2008), p 190. 7 Global Marketing – Case Study – Red Bull ____________________________________________________________ _______ Red Bull sponsors a DJ camp
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Pros and Cons of Organized Sports for Youths - 1702 Words
Pros and Cons of Organized Sports for Youths Sports in America are one of the biggest sensations around. They are everywhere you turn and they become a big part of most people’s lives, whether they actually participate in the sport or just watch it on television. Media and television play a huge role in the obsession for sports. Constantly you see a professional athlete on a commercial, and see games on throughout the day. Also sports becomes a business, they sell their jerseys, or pictures, and tickets to games. Children are exposed to a wide range of media that offers various sporting events. Children with parents that are sport fanatics usually become interested in sports and will attend games and most of the time will†¦show more content†¦Learning how to work together and with a large group of children is a very good skill to have. â€Å"A good parent-child relationship has the great potential to evolve from being involved in sports.†(Ireland). When a child gets a sense of encouragement it usually affects the way they play and leads them to succeed. Not only does the child get something out of it, but the parent learns how to encourage their child while they control their competitive urge, and they tend to set goals for the child that way they can strive to succeed in whatever thy are doing. Not only does it have the potential to build a strong relationship with a parent or guardian but it also can help you feel better about yourself. It gives you a drive to become healthy, boost you confidence, helps your self-esteem, and also motivates you and develops a sense of discipline. Also a big factor it helps reduce depression and the feeling of sadness. Although people find many positives about playing organized sports, many people found negatives in the sports. One is the fact of it being too competitive. O nce a child gets the idea of winning in their heads, or the idea that they might be better than an opposing player people get worried that it will go too much to their heads. Just like the positives with the social skills, it can also create negatives in social skills. â€Å"Such as if a child thinks they are better than another player it can result in people not liking that player because theyShow MoreRelatedBenefits of Youth Sports1382 Words  | 6 PagesBenefits of Youth Sportsâ€Å"Sports do not build character. They reveal it,†said John Wooden, legendary UCLA basketball coach. Playing sports not only provides physical activity, but also other positive benefits. This is especially true for children. A well-structured and organized youth program will provide benefits and positive experiences for young athletes. While children are having fun participating in sports they are also building character, learning to work as a team, and playing fairly. 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We also would help raise money and try to teach children the fundamentals of being an adult through sports. Group Problem Statement Background: Many students every year are forced to leave school and have nowhere to go. With many of these children in grades 1st-12th, the reason they have nowhereRead MoreSports Participation Of The World2449 Words  | 10 Pagesfun as they once did. Kids use to be always outside playing sports and running around with their friends but since the rapid evolution of technology kids have sadly started to stay inside. â€Å"According to the 2005 GSS, boys aged 5 to 14 are still more likely to participate in sports than girls the same age, but the gap is narrowing. Sports participation of boys has declined from 66% in 1992 to 56% in 2005. Over the same time period, sports participation of girls has changed little from 49% to 45%.†Read MoreDisadvantages of Teenage Curfews1138 Words  | 5 Pagesthe yard of their own home without parental supervision during the curfews’ hours. Curfews could also take away from busy teenagers’ social lives. Teenagers love being involved in different types of activities, and if they participate in school sports, school events, or after school jobs, they could receive the title of being a criminal if they violate their curfews. Placing curfews for minors limit their freedom and rights, and in addition, they could keep them from participating in activitiesRead MoreMy Career Plan3086 Words  | 13 PagesPortfolio Career. Here are the reasons why I choose it as follows. * I can pick up my favourite career because I have more opportunities to try different jobs. * It saves much time to do many jobs at the same time because time weighs a lot to the youth. * Many opportunities to engage in personal and professional development as result of being exposed to different roles. * During the period of the balancing different jobs, I am able to enhance the ability of time management. * Because attentionRead MoreEssay about Prepubescent Strength Training3055 Words  | 13 Pages STRENGTH TRAINING AND PREPUBESCENT YOUTH The value placed on the importance of winning in professional sports has hit an all-time high. The astronomical amount of money being spent in the entertainment field of athletics has dictated a win-at-all-costs mentality that has trickled all the way down to negatively affect our youngest athletes - the prepubescent. The athletic world has forever been exploiting our youth as a source of athletic potential, sacrificing the health, safety and welfare of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Educating Through A Multicultural Perspective Essay
Educating Through a Multicultural Perspective What the Research Says? Defining Multicultural Education The United States serves as a culturally rich country who opens its arms to individuals from many different ethnicities, backgrounds, and life experiences. It seeks to be the melting pot of a blended group of people, providing opportunity and equity for all. Consequently, our educational system is the cornerstone for providing equal opportunity for all persons. Therefore, as the United States continues to be immersed with individuals from various cultures, the educational system must consistently seek to assure that educational opportunities are equally distributed to our students. In order for this task to be accomplished, developing a well-defined illustration of what multicultural education is necessary. With the shifting cultural texture and demographics of the United States (Banks, 2006b; Irvine, 2003), redefining multicultural education has become imperative. There are many views on the benefits and/or shortcomings of the multiculturalization of education. The question is not whether a multicultural education should be adopted but it is rather what we understand from multicultural education and how we are going to initiate such a reform within an educational system when we cannot even define ‘multicultural.’ â€Å"The awareness of one’s own assumptions, prejudices and stereotypes is a first step to be able to positively interact and learn from others. In this processShow MoreRelatedImplementing Multicultural Education Essay1113 Words  | 5 Pagesconcept of multicultural education. One argument against multicultural education is the fear that the lack of a clear definition will essentially confuse teachers which will affect the classroom. Professor Ryan, a professor of education at Lasalle University states that â€Å"the term multicultural education is a slogan. It means different things to different people, and it assumes different purposes in different contexts†(Webster 14). His argument is that to minority students multicultural educationRead MoreEssay about Improving Education through Cultural Diversity1087 Words  | 5 Pagescultural diversity is the coexistence of different culture, ethnic, race, gender in one specific unit. In order, for America to be successful, our world must be a multicultural world. This existence starts within our learning facilities where our students and children are educated. This thesis is â€Å"changing the way America, sees education through cultural diversity, has been co existing in many countries across the world. These changes begin in any learning environment; where our families, friends, childrenRead MoreStudents Are Not Entering The Classroom With The Knowledge And Understand ing Of Multicultural Education762 Words  | 4 Pagesclassroom with the knowledge and understanding of the importance of multicultural literature. The students are suffering due to the lack of diverse reading literature incorporated into units of reading study. There is a need for staff developments and in-services to help educate teachers on ways to provide multicultural literacy awareness in primary schools. Objectives †¢ To heightening the awareness of the importance of multicultural literature in early grades. †¢ To prepare educators for diversityRead MoreEssay about Report on Cross-Cultural Management1127 Words  | 5 PagesFuture of Management Principles of Management â€Æ' Table of Contents iii. Executive Summary iv. Introduction iv. The Contemporary Perspective v. Issues and Challenges vii. Recommendations based on Management Perspective vii. Summary viii. Bibliography Executive Summary This paper is a report on cross-cultural management, with the issues related to cross-cultural management being discussed in the paper. Additionally, the report has produced the future way of cross-cultural managementRead MoreWhat Kind Of Cultural Curriculum Should Be Taught997 Words  | 4 Pagesas each side tries to persuade the reader to see their side of this issue. This is a persuasive article by a credible author, with each side using examples and creditable sources to support their views. Position 1 stresses the importance of the multicultural education because of the drastic increase of immigrants in our schools in order to persuade you to see its point of view. According to the authors Nelson, Palonsky and McCarthy (2013) when they say â€Å"the population of the United States is expectedRead MoreEarly Childhood Educators Promote Diversity, And As A Result Improve Academic Outcomes1413 Words  | 6 Pagesmore multicultural, the need for educators to provide support to different family structures increases. This review will examine strategies utilized by early childhood educators to promote diversity, and as a result improve academic outcomes. Most data related to diversity in the classroom is derived from research in pre-school and Head Start programs. Although there are other avenues for early childhood education, including home-based and center-based childcare, this research will focus on pre-KRead MoreThe Key Elements Of Educational Opportunity Essay1322 Word s  | 6 Pagesbasis of an argument for the need of culturally responsive teaching practices. The perspective that is missing is the classroom teacher s, within a broken system, in order for teachers to stay positive, they need to have strategies to be successful in a system that is currently in disarray. Therefore, to encourage teachers to become more effective on their own fruition, she may have suggested teachers’ educating themselves on how to use their knowledge of their students’ backgrounds and incorporateRead More Other Peoples Children: Cultural Conflict in the Classroom Essay1294 Words  | 6 Pageschildren (Delpit, 1995, pg.69). Through Other Peoples Children: Cultural Conflict in the Classroom, Delpit lays the foundation for multicultural education and details ways teachers can solve the inherent problems that arise as a result of many cultures interacting in the classroom. The purpose of this paper is an analysis of this text through an analytic , interpretive and normative reading. Analytic Reading Delpits article is in support of the multicultural education theory. She invitesRead MoreSocial Inequality And Stereotyping Cultures From Political Power1384 Words  | 6 PagesDue: 25 August 2014 By: Kody Williamson (s4350274) Tutor: Dr Joy Kennedy Youdell (2012) argues that the singular and one-off multicultural events reproduce majority/minority, Same/Other relations in their display of minoritises cultures for the appreciation of or consumption by the majority. (p 153) This essay will look into the argument of how the one off multicultural events can be seen as racist, fostering social-inequality and stereotyping cultures from political power. It will also outlineRead MoreFor The Past Two Decades, Canadian Population Is Increasingly1439 Words  | 6 Pages For the past two decades, Canadian population is increasingly diverse and multicultural by the huge wave of newcomers who will adopt and immerse different â€Å"cultural practices†in contributing to the national development (Parent Clydesdale, 2016). Canada is also one of the first countries in the world that has issued multicultural official policy since 1971. The concept of multiculturalism is referred to academic views about the equality and respect for variant cultures, religions, races and behaviours
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Chemistry Lab free essay sample
Nihar Mahajan and Madisen Camp-Chimenti By Nihar Mahajan and Madisen Camp-Chimenti January 31, 2013 Kathleen Sylva Chemist 27th Snowflake Avenue Sammamish, WA 98075 Dear Mrs. Sylva, After days of research, I have come upon one of the substances that will be the ideal compound for the glaze. I conducted a test to analyze the solubility of the substance in water and alcohol, the conductivity, and melting point. Some substances came very close to passing all the tests, but only one substance was able to pass all of them. I recommend using sodium carbonate as your substance. Of all the substances, only two were covalent and two were ionic. The ionic substances, sodium chloride, sodium carbonate, and salicylic acid, came close to the description you requested. The covalent substances, sucrose and salicylic acid, did not match the descriptions. The best substance would definitely be sodium carbonate, since it passed all the tests. Sodium carbonate had a high melting point, so it will be able to last for a long time in the kiln fire. We will write a custom essay sample on Chemistry Lab or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It also is soluble in water, and not in alcohol allowing flexibility of the variety of pots you can make. Also, sodium carbonate is a conductive substance, especially when it is dissolved in water. Other substances like salicylic acid dissolved in water, had low boiling point, and was soluble in alcohol. Sodium chloride did have a high melting point, but it was soluble in alcohol. Sucrose was soluble in water as well, but it had a very low melting point. All the substances except for sodium carbonate did not pass the requirements, and therefore sodium carbonate is the best possible substance. In order to prove this, I conducted a lab to determine the solubility, conductivity, and melting point of each substance. First, I made sure to obtain a Bunsen burner, evaporating dish, ethanol, the four substances, distilled water, conductivity probe, wash bottles, test tubes, and a beaker. I made sure the materials were cleaned to make sure the test was accurate. First, I measured the melting point of sodium chloride, sodium carbonate, and sucrose over the Bunsen burner. The experiment proved that sucrose had a much lower melting point than the other substances. I also looked up the melting point of salicylic acid in a reliable reference book. Next, I measured the solubility of each substance in water, by placing it and seeing if it would dissolve in the water. I also measured the solubility of alcohol in the same process, and tried to see whether each substance would dissolve. The results are located below in the data table. Finally, I tested the conductivity of the substances. I made sure to mix each substance in distilled water to measure greater accuracy in conductivity. After I had finished gathering data, I made sure to clean the table well and dispose of all the chemicals correctly. Statistics of the Substances Tested Substance| Sodium Chloride| Sucrose| Sodium Carbonate| Salicylic acid| Melting Point| High| Low| High| Low| Solubility in water| Yes| Yes| Yes| No| Solubility in Alcohol| Yes| No| No| Yes| Conductivity| Yes| No| Yes| Yes| Covalent or Ionic| Ionic| Covalent| Ionic| Covalent| Sincerely, Dr. Neusome C. Hemistry Director of Materials Testing
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