Monday, September 30, 2019

Payne v. Tennessee Essay

Facts: After spending a morning and afternoon drinking beer and injecting cocaine, Pervis Tyrone Payne entered the apartment of 28-year-old Charisse Christopher and her two children, Lacie, age two and Nicholas, age three at approximately 3:00 p.m. on June 27th, 1987. Payne made sexual advances toward Charisse Christopher. She resisted, which lead Payne to kill both Charisse and Lacie. Nicholas was found with several severe stab wounds that completely penetrated him front to back, but he managed to survive. Payne was apprehended later that day hiding in the attic of a former girlfriend’s house. Payne was convicted by a jury of two counts of murder. At sentencing, Payne presented the testimony of his mother, father, Bobbie Thomas and a clinical psychologist. These testimonies’ showed Payne was of good character, he attended church and he was of low intelligence and mentally handicapped. The State presented the testimony of Ms. Christopher’s mother, who spoke of the negative impact of the murders on Nicholas. Furthermore, the prosecutor presented argument regarding Nicholas’ experience. The jury sentenced the Payne to death on each count of murder. History: Pervis Tyrone Payne was arrested and charged with two counts of first-degree murder, the jury sentenced Payne to death on each count of murder. Issue: Does the Eighth Amendment prohibit a capital sentencing jury from considering â€Å"victim impact† evidence relating to the personal characteristics of the victim and the emotional impact of the crimes on the victim’s family? Finding: No. Victim impact evidence shall not be considered according to the United States Supreme Court. This rule was because victim impact evidence presents factors about which the defendant may have been unaware of and therefore, the evidence has nothing to do with the â€Å"blameworthiness† of a particular defendant. So basically, no evidence outside the case and not relating directly to the circumstances of the crime was admitted. In the present case, however, the Supreme Court expressed the view that â€Å"a State may properly conclude that for the jury to assess meaningfully the defendant’s moral culpability and blameworthiness, it should have before it at the sentencing phase evidence of the specific harm caused by the defendant.† So, a State may permit the admission of victim  impact evidence, as the Eighth Amendment presents no per se bar. The Supreme Court of Tennessee affirmed the conviction and sentence. The court rejected Payne’s contention that the admission of the grandmother’s testimony and the State’s closing argument constituted prejudicial violations of his rights under the Eighth Amendment as applied in Booth v. Maryland, 482 U.S. 496 (1987), and South Carolina v. Gathers, 490 U.S. 805 (1989). Rational: The court stated â€Å"Stare decisis is not an inexorable command; rather, ‘it is a principle of policy and not a mechanical formula of adherence to the latest decision.’† So basically, not all laws are set completely in stone and it can change over time from case to case. The court states that neither the law nor the facts supporting the prior cases have changed, merely the personnel of the Supreme Court have changed. My Notes: A few things I noticed was I unclear how Payne could argue that introducing such evidence as the grandmother testimony encourages jurors to decide for the death penalty based on emotions rather than reason. But, having his parents testify that he was of good character as plays on emotion, rather than reason. To me, only after introducing victim impact evidence can the juries meaningfully determine the proper punishment. After all the whole reason for this is to protect the victim right?

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Information Age & its Impact on United States Essay

number of propositions. It implies that there is more information now than ever before an indisputable claim. The concept also implies that more people spend more time producing and using more information than ever before another indisputable assertion. Beyond that, the Information Age also suggests that the role of information is more important in the economy than ever before, and that information is replacing some earlier â€Å"fuel† of the American economy (Duncan 1994). These days the primary problem for most organizations and their employees is not the shortage of data but being able to evaluate what is useful and what is not, where to find the good stuff, and then how to use it effectively (Computer Weekly 2005). During the past 25 years, the industry has changed from simple data processing techniques high profile information technology. The challenges of data quality, regulation, access and exploitation are rapidly increasing in urgency (Computer Weekly 2005). For any organization effective information management will make the difference between coping with a dreary burden or using information to gain clarity and build new opportunities. The extended theory founded on this core belief divides U. S. economic history into different eras, depending on the primary economic activity during the period (Duncan 1994). From colonial times until late in the 19th century, the American economy was agrarian. Then, roughly from the dawn of the 20th century through the end of the Second World War, it was preeminently a manufacturing economy. Industry especially heavy industry was the motor that drove the entire economic engine. After World War II, the American economy increasingly came to be dominated by its service sector. By the mid-1950s, more than one-half of all U. S. employment was devoted to providing services rather than to fabricating goods (Duncan 1994). The Pre-Information Age business office was supported by the hierarchical managerial system to keep track of employees and the work they produced (Dmytrenko 1992). Office equipment included information producing tools, such as typewriters and adding machines. Most of the equipment was simple, manual in operation, bulky, and noisy. Clerical staff primarily used this equipment, as they were the appointed information processors of the time. Early efforts to improve office efficiency used industrial engineering techniques, employing time and motion studies to standardize the work tasks of office support staff, and maximize the workflow through effective office design. Information management was categorized as an intensely manual recordkeeping process (Dmytrenko 1992). Filing systems (alpha and/or numeric), and cross-referenced indexes were the prevailing records management techniques employed, and to be on the safe side, offices maintained multiple copies of the same document for back-up purposes. These practices resulted in increasing demands for office space dedicated to files. One source of confusion is the fact that the movements from manufacturing to services, and then to information, were of a different character than in earlier transitions. In the first place, while the transition from an agricultural to a manufacturing-based economy was marked by a decline in the number of jobs in agriculture, there has been no such diminution in the number of manufacturing jobs after the shift to a service economy. Moreover, American manufacturing currently accounts for roughly the same percentage of U. S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as three decades ago (Duncan 1994). As a further complication, many argue that the services sector of the economy simply cannot be seen as a separate segment or an economic subsystem. These observers instead insist that it â€Å"serves† precisely the manufacturing sector it is supposed to have replaced and remains dependent even parasitic on manufacturing (Duncan 1994). Moreover, coming up with clear definitions and boundaries for the information industry is, on reflection, a highly complicated undertaking. The Pre-Information Age home was supported by very basic home appliances. These appliances were either on or off, and the home-user manually directed the status. Outside of some minor kitchen improvements, and the advent of television, the average person saw home advancements limited to seasonal color changes, such as â€Å"avocado green† stoves (Dmytrenko 1992). Ongoing changes prevailed in the automobile industry, but slowly. Overall the era was devoid of any electronic â€Å"intelligence. † Business and the home were very separate and different worlds. The predominant orientation was that working people went to work to work, and the home was a place not to work. The telephone was the only information technology common to both the office and home.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Huntoon & Balbiera Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Huntoon & Balbiera - Essay Example However, they should differentiate offering management consulting as an additional service. Auditing is the most logical choice because despite the decrease in profits from this service are from 2000 to 2001, it is still the most important aspect of the company's operations. This will allow them to have an edge over other auditing firms without the need to lower their costs, thus justifying their current fees. In terms of client industry, the company's future plans must focus on specializing in manufacturing. Municipal clients tend to stick with their auditing firm for as long as they perform satisfactorily. Hence, the firm must simply make sure that they continue to offer these clients with the best service possible in order to keep them. However, a market that the firm can potentially benefit from is manufacturing. With a 22 percent increase in its share of profits, manufacturing is the most logical choice for the company to focus on, if they decide to specialize. Specialization, however, may not be the best strategy for a firm like H&B.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Otitis Media Protocol In 1-6 Year Old Patients Essay

Otitis Media Protocol In 1-6 Year Old Patients - Essay Example On the other hand in Europe, a watchful-waiting strategy, in which treatment is only reserved for patients whose condition does not improve without medication (Hoberman et al. 2011). In a study by(Hoberman et al. 2011), it was revealed that a group of children that received amoxicillin clavulanate 35%, which showed resolution of symptoms within 48 hours, and by day four it was 61% and by day seven it reached 80%. The waiting strategy is based on clinical trials that showed considerable improvement in children with acute otitis media (Hoberman et al. 2011). It is obvious that any protocol depends on the condition of the patient. There can be no one-size-fits-all solution/treatment. However, there are the general algorithms that can be followed. First and foremost is the identification of the problem. For instance, the ear infection is common in children but it can occur at any age. According to the website, the most common treatment is painkillers for a simple ear infection. Otitis media is a very common problem that the general practitioners treat in children. Both type of otitis media; acute otitis media (AOM) and otitis media with effusion (OME) mostly occur during the childhood and the cause may be the bacterial or viral infection ( Most children have the self-limiting illness that does not manifest itself to an extent where they would go see a general practitioner ( By two years of age, most children show at least one episode of AOM (Venekamp, 2013).

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The Primary Benefits of Telenursing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Primary Benefits of Telenursing - Assignment Example The e-health practice is applicable in various avenues such as remote monitoring and patient consultations (Kumar & Snooks, 2011). Ethics is a core concept in nursing because of the sensitivity of the practice. Almost all nursing institutions incorporate the study of ethics in their curriculum in order to enable learners to practice fairly and efficiently in the field. The ethical principals in nursing entail caring, communication and relations between the nurses and the patients. These ethical principals provide guidelines to telenurses in an ethical dilemma situation. Telenursing has various ethical dilemmas like in cases where a third party person (relative) calls the telenurse on behalf of the patient. In this case, the ethical dilemma entails a conflict between the relative’s and patient’s autonomy as well as the telenurse’s desire to help (Kumar & Snooks, 2011). In addition, telenursing has other ethical issues such as confidentiality of the information because the patients rely on different methods of communication to explain their condition. Additionally, the information provided to the nurses may lack credibility especially in situations where the patient is a minor, and they cannot comprehend their condition effectively. Ethical principles such as listening and communication abilities enable the telenurses to establish a particular condition in a patient effectively. The nurses also apply various ethical principles to resolve a situation where the interests of the concerned parties’ conflict during a telenursing process (Kumar & Snooks).

The Playlist of Classical Music with Details Essay

The Playlist of Classical Music with Details - Essay Example The Toccata was a fixture in Baroque music meant to demonstrate a player's dexterity on the keyboard. Bach's Toccata in D minor opens with single-voice ornaments played in the upper ranges of the keyboard. (Druckenbrod) A motif doubled at the octave, is reiterated throughout the parallel major section of the piece. This toccata is strewn with finger-taxing ornaments and flourishes so typical of the Baroque era. The fugue was also the form of choice during the Baroque era and Bach is touted as one of the best fugue writers. A fugue is contrapuntal with room for free counterpoint within the framework (Libbey, 247). Bach's Fugue in D minor exemplifies his brilliance in scoring multiple voices, interweaving melodies made up of 16th notes above an implied pedal point. Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D minor are on this playlist because they are outstanding examples of two forms particularly important to the Baroque era, illustrate the development of tonality in this era with Bach's use of key s, particularly in the fugue, and demonstrate the emotional and dynamic range available to the Baroque composers. Bach had an indelible effect on the development of music and definitely deserves to be included in the time capsule. Vivaldi: Concerto No. 1 in E major, Op. 8, Spring: Allegro (1725). Antonio Vivaldi's (1678-1741) The Four Seasons is one of the earliest examples of program music. The Four Seasons is a group of concertos for solo violin, string quartet and basso continuo – typical of the Baroque era. Inspired by a set of four sonnets, these works demonstrate virtuosity in all players but especially the soloist. The first movement Allegro from the Spring concerto is perhaps the most famous movement and one of the most demanding scores for the players (Gengaro). The first movement of Spring makes immediate use of the terraced dynamics typical of Baroque; a loud opening sequence followed by a quieter passage and then again a louder one with clear dynamic divisions. Th e melodic lines, particularly in the solo violin, are ornamented with trills and mordents typical of the Baroque era's indulgence in ornamentation. The solo violin triplet flourishes above the agitated 32nd notes of the quartet require virtuosity while also depicting the mounting anticipation as spring becomes summer, as the world shakes off winter in the programmatic style typical of later eras. This work, while still exemplary of the Baroque era, also hints at the future of music, moving away from the Baroque absolute to the new and programmatic thus making this piece by Vivaldi a necessary inclusion in the time capsule. Handel (1685-1759) composed this orchestral suite for the entertainment of George I played from a barge on the river Thames. The 50 piece ensemble included the first use of French horns in English music (Libbey, 953). The second suite in D major consists of 5 movements. By tradition, Baroque suites consist of various dance movements, each in the same key. The seco nd dance from suite no. 2, also known as Alla Hornpipe, is the movement chosen for time capsule inclusion.  

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

How did the feminists movement find expression during the 18th century Research Paper

How did the feminists movement find expression during the 18th century (Humanities) - Research Paper Example Therefore, the feminist movement was born because women were tired of the harsh treatment by mean and thus they had to express themselves and fight the oppression (Treanor 2002). The plight of women was at stake in the 1800s. Their role was different to that of men. The woman was expected to look for a husband, give birth and was to take care of the husband throughout their whole life. During then, it was deemed as a taboo for women to remain single. For instance, single women were pitied and scorned by the society. Furthermore, a woman’s right to own property was when she was still at her father’s house but after she got married; her entire property belonged to the husband. The women were also not expected to divorce and they were expected to stay in marriage even if it was miserable. Hence, divorce was punishable by law but majority of the victims were women. In those days, marriage was a lifelong commitment. It did not only undermine their strengths but destroyed their opportunity to a kind of freedom and also subdued their voices giving them no hope of social recognition (Bhabha and Shutter 1994). Throughout history, women were entitled to less legal rights and occupation chances. The women’s legal rights were very minimal to no rights at all. Their right to own property was not respected but resulted to the property being the husband’s after marriage. On the other hand, their right to vote had not been accepted and thus there was no woman representative in the governments of the time. However, towards the end of the nineteenth century, the feminist movement had already won the rights to vote and their chances of accessing education as well as other occupation that were regarded for men. In terms of occupation, motherhood and wifehood were considered the most major profession for women all over. They were thus expected to be submissive in

Monday, September 23, 2019

Analysis of Starbucks Caf Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Analysis of Starbucks Caf - Assignment Example The CEO and chairman of Starbucks Cafe is Howard Schultz. The mission of the company is to inspire and nurture human spirit – one person, one cup, and one neighborhood at a time (Starbucks, 2012). The company is a publicly traded company whose stocks are sold in the open market under the symbol SBUX. The common stocks of Starbucks Cafe were trading at a price of $55.79 as of January 31, 2013 (Yahoo, 2013). The firm’s revenues have grown by 24.24% during the last two years. The future development of the company will be achieved by its continued expansion into foreign markets. The company has a market presence in 31% of the countries worldwide. The core competency of the company is in the sales of gourmet retail coffee. Starbucks Cafe in 2012 entered into a partnership with Green Mountain. Following the announcement of the deal the common stocks of Green Mountain increased in value by 6% (Andrejczak, 2012). The company has mastered the management of its supply chain. It s ources coffee using fair trade coffee practices. The store has 192,866 employees and 39.66% of its workforce works outside the United States (Cnn, 2012). The employees of the company are very satisfied with their jobs. There is a low employee turnover rate at the company. The planning at Starbucks Cafe is performed by the executive management team led by his CEO Howard Schultz. The firm also has a board of directors that oversees the operation. The company faces structural problems such as dealing with the human resource challenges of having a large labor force, negotiation with suppliers and farmers, and fierce competition. The decisions the company makes are mostly programmed, but the firm’s at times makes nonprogrammed decisions to adapt to market changes. The firm faces certain uncertainly in the price of acquiring coffee since coffee is a commodity whose price fluctuates. The firm since its inception has done a good job at planning for the future. During the 1990’ s Starbucks was one of the fastest growing franchises in the United States. The company is organized as a publicly traded company whose stocks are sold in the New York Stock Exchange. The decision making of the company is organized in a centralized system. The corporate headquarters of the firm are located in 2401 Utah Avenue, South Seattle WA 98134. The reason that the company uses a centralized system is because the company must maintain consistency across its company owned and franchisee locations. A drawback of centralized systems is that it inhibits creativity. The organizational culture of the company is excellent. The firm believes in the value of diversity. The employees are referred too as baristas. The firm offers tremendous customer service to its clients. Starbucks Cafe has an excellent managerial team. The success of the company is evidenced by the outstanding financial performance of the firm. The managers of the company have done a great job of training its employees. The baristas of the firm are extremely productive workers. There is good teamwork among the workers of the firm. The managerial staff has also done a great job of integrating technology into its facilities. Starbucks Cafe was one of the first food places to offer free Wi-Fi internet to its customers. Howard Schultz is a charismatic leader. Charismatic leaders are able to have a profound effect on its followers. There are different performance indicators that the company must monitor closely. An important performance indicator is market share. Starbucks has a 33% market share in the U.S coffee marketplace. An important metric to measure the profitability of the company is net margin. The net margin of the company in 2011 was 10.65%. A third performance

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Contemporary Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Contemporary Literature - Essay Example Thus, the decline of the family can be seen to have come from the financial redistribution of wealth. In an examination of the two novels, â€Å"Trainspotting† and â€Å"Brick Lane†, the results of these changes in culture can be observed and compared. In â€Å"Trainspotting†, the youth culture can be observed at its worst, filled with the consequences of drug use and defined by the lack of connectivity that the characters have experienced within their community. Without the imposition of responsibility within a community, the young will find ways to rebel and act out against the unknown future. In â€Å"Brick Lane†, the consequences of a future that is defined for a woman becomes the central discussion. In contrast to the indulgences of the freedoms of individualism, this novel emphasizes the obedience to family that creates a designed future. In looking at these two extremes, an understanding of the decline of the family can be framed within the context of the observations made by the authors of these novels. Cause of the Decline in the Family Since World War II, the definition of the family went through a rapid incline in exalting its nature through the 1950s with a slow deterioration since that time, lamenting the concepts that were developed in that period. During World War II, families went through a period of emotional trauma with the war both pulling them apart and forcing them to cling together in order to survive the threats that the nation faced. However, in the aftermath of war, the generations began to divide, the youth not connecting to the experiences of their elders. When examined from two different aspects of literary content, the concept of the family has been torn by a development of an elitist youth grouping that now continues to define popular culture as each generation rises to meet a consumerist power that has been put into their hands. During the 1950s, a divide was experienced between the youth of the generat ion and their elders, incited by the economic changes that took place during that time. A consumerist culture developed through a redistribution of income that favoured the youth with more disposable income. With the rise of individualized transportation, the independence of the young began to change and the reactions of those in their teens and twenties to those of an older age began to exhibit a less dependent nature.1 Industrialization allowed for the separation of generations as the young can leave the family to find work rather than continue within a familial community. Individualism created differences in parenting styles, leading to less connectivity to both the smaller community of the family and the greater community. As the individual began to become more important than the community, the way in which children have been reared has dramatically changed. With the changes that were initiated by the shifts in Western culture where work is concerned, an unknown future for each next generation was created. Rather than continuing forward the traditions of survival of their parents, children are now faced with the challenge of seeking out their own path, somewhat negating the experiences of their parents for the design of their life’s work in favour of a design they must create themselves.2 Where the meaning of life was far more simple in villages where the sons and

Saturday, September 21, 2019

BA (Hons) Accounting Essay Example for Free

BA (Hons) Accounting Essay Abstract In â€Å"Cost Transparency in Supply Chains: Demystification of the Cooperation Tenet† article, the authors would like to deliver the message about studies on open-book accounting to rivet on mainly on the functions and difficulties, determinants and consequences, and of interorganizational cost management. To offer a new direction, authors seek to detect and systematize applications of open-book accounting. They follow a qualitative approach to analyze why and how open-book accounting is being used in practice. Data were obtained from 59 interviews conducted with purchasing experts and analyzed through content analysis. Authors find that being used for interorganizational cost management, open-book accounting is used in price management. This includes increasing negotiation pressure on a supplier. Based on this finding, we develop a framework to systematize different open-book accounting uses according to both underlying motives for cost transparency and purchasing strategies. The research finding the following to show that cost transparency can be used to achieve to support price management and that it does not necessarily require a trusting and cooperative customer supplier relationship. The background of cost transparency A qualitative research design supplemented by quantitative analysis. Set up a three-tiered design that allows us to evaluate all of the aspects indicated above. Using an online questionnaire that was designed to either affirm or contradict the results obtained from the interviews and to allow for certain quantitative analyses. From a total of 59 interviewees, and received 46 completed questionnaires. Take into account the reverse perspective. To support the results, especially for data manipulation, authors conducted 18 interviews with sales experts. Use the data retrieved from the three step to analysis and explanation on Open-book accounting uses and the article â€Å"Cost Transparency in Supply Chains: Demystification of the Cooperation Tenet† Introduction Cost transparency in the supply chain is the ability to discover how much a particular stock costs, treatment costs or service costs, preferably before receiving the stock, treatment or service. The cost of suppliers is mostly unknown to buyer. We have no way to price in an any services or the cost of a stock, nor do we find pricing published anywhere that helps us compare prices to make better consumer decisions. Cost transparency uses are difference methods in many difference area reform efforts to understand if supplier price increases are justified. We don’t want to pay too much, but you don’t want to knock him down either Literature Review In the world, India is the fourth largest economy and expected to become the fastest growing greater economic in the next few decades. To achieve its economic and development goals, the Indian government targeted the economic growth rates of about 8-10 percent a year for the next few decades. (Rastogi, 2011) The balanced scorecard is a strategic planning and management tool that helps an organization understand and work towards, and allows monitoring the indicators. A completed scorecard system aligns the organization’s picture, with business strategy and daily operation, the fulfillment of the strategy developed by the direction. Strategic performance measures are the better way to notify the decision-making and show progress toward the desired  results. The organization can focus on the most important areas that they are needed to achieve its vision, at the same time it helps an organization make effectiveness objective. (Sharma, 2009) At present, the balanced scorecard is used as strategic analysis system, which indispensable within the strategic management field for future organizations and the competitive business environment. Although balanced scorecard is widely used, but the model has some issues are unable to supply the quantitative indicators and measure the relative important weights for each perspective contribution. The problems associated with the operations using long term strategy has difficult to found by a good number of firms. Firms as well as knowledge of its picture in the future requires more information, compared to financial operational standards that evaluates the strategies and long term view of the firm as well as strategies in operational achievement. Balance scorecard has used for designing and determining strategic operation. The model of balanced scorecard provides the artifice for comparison to obtain many kind of perspective on the strategic decisions taking into consideration for the impact on customers, employee learning, finances and customers. (Sorooshian, 2014) Research Methodology The balance scorecard approach is to improve the firm performance. From previous research, Kaplan and Norton (1992) developed an innovative corporate performance scorecard that provides a framework for selecting multiple key performance indicators that supplement traditional financial measure short term operational controls to the long term strategy of the business. The research suggested mixed results, however, the results confined only to Europe and North America. (Kothari C.R., 2004) To provide evidences to support the balance scorecard is a widely accepted tool for management to achieve different kinds of balance between short and long run operational purposes, Anand et al. conducted a questionnaire on performance scorecard and sent out to chief financial officer (CFO) in India for response. The questionnaire sent to all 579 companies included multinational corporations from a major constituent of Indian corporate  sector, however, only 9% response rate from CFOs. Based on the responses, about half of the responses using balance scorecard. (Kothari C.R., 2004) Anand et al. used field research that they mail questionnaire to each company’s chief financial officer for response. They identified the social and economic background of respondents; however, there are limitations for the methodology. According to the response rate, the survey was likely that the firm does not respond on time and may have non-response bias, which occurs in statistical surveys if the answers of respondents differ from the potential answers of those who did not answer. For example, the chief financial officer with a high workload may not answer the survey because they do not have enough time to answer it, and/or those with a low workload may decline to respond for perceive them as unnecessary. If they found is not necessary or not favorable to the firm, they will definitely ignore the survey. Therefore, non-response bias may make the measured value for the different effects of the above biases happen to offset each other. . (Kothari C.R., 2004) Data Collection The balance scorecard approach is an attempt to arrive different kinds of balance between short run and long run, different perspectives of the of the scorecard, between measuring change and the present position, and between market image and internal focus. It is useful for both strategic and operational purposes. To implement it successfully, it must enjoy widespread support from the company. The questionnaire sent to all 579 companies included multinational corporations from a major constituent of Indian corporate sector, however, only 9% response rate from Chief financial officers. It does not directly reflect those companies actual status. Chief financial officers are the most understanding to the financial situation of a company. If the questionnaire replies from an assistant, clerk or other non-important staff, it would be no more truthfulness. The data impact this research authenticity. It would be more truthful if the questionnaire replies form an important person of company. Table 7 on the research show that only 54.2 per cent of the respondents agree the initial choice of key performance indicators at the design stage of the balance scorecard has been substantially validated. Almost a half of the respondents just validates partly or validates to a limited extent. The validated of the research design stage was too low. Actually, in design stage can be change the visitor more validate to balance scorecard. It can let the research more to fit in with the purpose. Table 1 on the research show that the visitor is major in 3 types of industry(15.09 per cent on other, 13.21 per cent on consumer durable, personal care and food product, and 11.32 per cent on engineering and capital goods). The distributed of industry was not average to Indian companies. It cannot impact the situation of balance scorecard in Indian companies. Conclusion The balanced scorecard is a set of measuring and managing the performance tool. It is focus on the processes and achieving the result. The purpose of the balanced scorecard is to manage and ensure the organizations strategy will be fulfill and achieve the objective. Based on the above article, we have some of the strength, weakness and limitation of using balanced scorecard in the organization. Benefits include align the action to strategy effectively. Balanced scorecard is a powerful system through strategy map, less strategy will align with the financial perspective. By using the balanced scorecard which helps the organization achieves the target and improves the level of management. Also, balanced scorecard maybe causes business unit gain the competitive advantages leading to the benefit to the financial performance. Balanced scorecard has unable to supply the quantitative indicators and measure the relative important weights for each perspective contribution. But the method of quantitative may produce too much performance measures. It is quite difficulties in generating non-financial indicators, but the financial indicators not a certain problem. Sometimes, less highlight on  human resource maybe the greatest weakness of balanced scorecard. There have competitive factors with innovation and knowledge which is the big challenge in current organization. When the organization’s key drivers change, the balanced scorecard must be update such changed. At the same time, resources and organizational capabilities should act as limitation for small organization. Compare with specific industry, there have some limitation or maybe use the balanced scorecard frequently. Any changes in environment, customers and competitors to be more highlight the effect of using the adequate balanced scorecard. If you want to accomplish more easily, should be coordinate with four perspectives, customer, financial, internal business and learning and growth. Nowadays, balanced scorecard is commonly used in the organization. Adopt a good balanced scorecard should be state your strategies with the objective and measure which you have choose. In the organization, everyone must understand each specific strategy, help organizations to acquire full successes. The most important point is the business must maintain updated balanced scorecard and aligned with needs of today. Bibliography: 1. Rastogi, N. P. (2011) Winds of Change: India’s Emerging Climate Strategy, The International Spectator, Vol. 46, No. 2, June 2011, pp. 127–141 2. Sharma, A. (2009) Implementing Balance Scorecard for Performance Measurement, The Icfai University 10 Journal of Business Strategy, Vol. VI, No. 1, p. 11 3. Sorooshian, S (2014) Study on Unbalanceness of the Balanced Scorecard, Faculty of Industrial Management, University Malaysia Pahang, Malaysia, Applied Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 8, 2014, no. 84, 4163 – 4169

Friday, September 20, 2019

IMC Plan For Milk Management Essay

IMC Plan For Milk Management Essay This project is about the IMC used by the Milk company. It includes the all the promotional tools used by the company for marketing communication. In this we are using different sales and promotion techniques for the sale of our company milk and building a strong image of our company product in the minds of our customers. Special kinds of price discounts , samples are given to the customers and traders for the strong positioning of our product in the market. The name of milk product is the pure milk, and the tagline of our milk product is ‘the real milk of India.† The main objective of our company is to provide better quality to our customers as compared to our competitors and building a good image of our product in the minds of the customers. By providing a better quantity to our customers our company will generate a revenues, which our company would further invest for increasing our product line. In this we it is discussed that what are the different kinds of four Ps of our company . What is the Price of our milk , What are the different kinds of promotional tools used by our company for the sale of our product . Different kinds of strategy are used by our company for increasing revenues from our milk product. At the end estimation of budget is done for knowing the expected expense done by the company for our milk product. INTRODUCTION TO MARKETING UNDERSTANDING MARKETING- Before we begin discussing marketing communication, We must take a moment to understand its higher order discipline ,viz, marketing. Marketing is a composite of many activities related to customers need fulfillment and satisfaction. Marketing includes many tasks right from identifying consumers needs and wants to fulfilling them. DEFINITION OF MARKETING- The American Marketing Association defines marketing as the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, promotion and distribution of ideas, goods and services to create exchange that satisfy individual and organizational objectives. For marketing to be effective ,it requires successful coordination of all these activities at different levels in the organization. THE MARKETING MIX Various maketing activities can be classified into four general categories,viz,Product, Price, Place( distribution ) and promotion, which are populary known as the 4Ps of marketing or marketing mix. PRODUCT- This includes all the activities related to the conception and planning of actual product that fulfills consumers needs and wants, i.e, decisions regarding product quality , designs, features , sizes, varieties, brand name, warranty, gurantee and other services. In this project the product is milk. The name of our company is the PURE MILK .Milk is provided in different packages of different sizes i.e,1 kg and half Kg packets. Pice of is 28 Rs and Half Kg product is Rs14. PRICE- This area deals with activities related to setting the price for the product. Decisions regarding retail and wholesale prices, margins of channel members, discounts and allowances, credit terms, payment period , etc. are the part of pricing function of marketing mix. The 1 kg of milk Packet is of Rs. 28 and Half Kg is of Rs 14. PLACE- Placement or distribution refers to all activities involved in getting the product to the final consumers. Decisions under this â€Å"P† relates to the distribution channels, market coverage, locations , inventory, transportation, etc. The main target market of our milk product is the PUNJAB STATE. As the people of Punjab are very health conscious and believe in better quality , So, our companies main target market is the population of Punjab. Our company would sell our milk product to all the retail outlets, Sweet shops, Dairy shops, in all over the Punjab. PROMOTION- Promotion refers to all the activities concerned with informing consumers about an organizations offering , persuading them to buy it, and reminding them it from time to time. Activities like advertising, sales promotion, directing, direct marketing, public relations, personal selling and other conventional media to comprise the â€Å"P† of operations. In promotion of our milk product we will use different kinds of promotional activities like advertising, direct marketing to the consumers and retail outlets. UNDERSTANDING MARKETING COMMUNICATION(PROMOTION) It involves all the activities concerned with effectively communicating Product information to select target audiences. A target audience is a group of consumers to whom marketing communication messages is directed. The prime purpose of communication is congnitive, affective or behavioural response, whatever that desired response may be. In other words, the communicator might want to imprint something in consumers mind(cognitive response), change in attitude(affective response) or get the consumer to act (behavioral response). ADVERTISEMENT OF MILK COMPANY (PURE MILK) The word advertising is derived from its Latin root ‘ad verter† Which means ‘to turn towards† or â€Å"to attract attention to†. DEFINITION OF ADVERTISEMENT- Advertisement is the any paid form of non- personal presentation and promotion of ideas or products by an identified sponser. The main objective of advertisement can be categorized based on whether their goal is to- Inform Persuade Remind Reinforce In our company of milk product , we can use the Brand Building advertising that focus on creating product awareness and brand building image.It is strategic and hence relatively long term in nature. We use the tagline â€Å"pure milk†, â€Å"the real milk of India†. Retail advertisement can also be used by the retailers on the local scale.It is aimed at building store traffic, creating a distinctive image for the store and more often than not, at triggers sales in short run. Retail advertisement is more informational, giving details about the outlets and its offerings. E.G The retail outlets where we sell our milk would put down small notice on their blackboards about our product i.e , it is available there , its prices, it will help in attracting more and more customers. DIRECT MARKETING- We will sell our milk also through direct marketing. Direct marketing is a interactive system of marketing which use one or more advertisement media to effect a measurable response or transaction at any location. The advantage of direct marketing is that in results in quicker sales, better targeting and relationship building and less competition and from this we will come ,more close to our customers. In this case we will come more close to our customers and will get the perception of the customers towards our product. TELEVISIONS- Our company will make a advertisement of our company milk product and telecast it on the T.V. Special kind of creative advertisement is made by the company for creating interest of the customers towards our milk product. The main aim of our television advertisement to aware people about our milk product. INTERNET—As we know in today scenario, Internet is having a special place in the minds of the people. Our company Will also make Our website from which the interested people will get the important information about our product and about the product benefits and quality. The main benefit of Internet communication is that it is directed directly towards the target market . The customers who are interested will easily go through our website and get knowledge about our product. It is totally personalized and up to date mechanism for attracting customers towards our company. Through it customers will also give their experiences and suggestions for our milk product. DIFFERENT KINDS OF SALES AND PROMOTIONS USED BY THE COMPANY DEFINITION OF SALES AND PROMOTION ‘Sales promotion consist of a diverse collection of incentives tools, mostly short term , designed to stimulate quicker and greater purchase of a particular product or services by the consumers or the trade.† Types of sales promotion used by our company- Our company will used different type of sales promotion activities for increasing sales of our product and awaring the customers towards our project.Consumer promotions are those that are directed to the consumers. The objective of consumer promotion is to offer the consumers some added benefit to entice him to buy the product.Ths is normally done in addition to the advertisement. Whereas advertising has a long run effect on the purhase behaviour , connumers promotion have more of a short term effect. SAMPLING- This form of promotion ifs found to be especially useful when one is introducing a product for the first time. Our company will also gives sample to the target customers for checking out their reactions towards our product The samples are either distributed at the retail outlets and residences of the final customers.Our company also request the consumers to fill up a questionnaire after the sample is used and thus are able to get feedback about our product that whether the customers like it or not. But the sampling is however one of the most expensive method of consumer promotion and there is no gurantee that the customers will actually go and buy the sale pack of our product. PRICE OFF This is essentially offers the consumers the product at less than the marked maximum retail price. The purpose of this is to induce the consumer to try our milk product immediately. QUANTITY DEALS- In the quantity deals , our company may provide more quantity in a same price for attracting the customers towards our product. Like our company would increase the quantity at the underlying price of our product. This will helps us in attracting more and more customers towards our milk product. DISCOUNTS- Our company will give discounts to our customers. Like if The customers buy four -five liter milk or more than it or milk in a bulk , we will give them discounts. OUT PRODUCED GIFTS- In this case the gift item is attached to the product from outside. This will attract customers towards our product. Like we will give ONE PLASTIC GLASS free with every 1litre milk packet for attracting customers or increasing our sales. CONSUMERS CONTEST- These are run to create an excitement amongst the target segment. Contest are normally advertised extensively and test more often than not the knowledge of the consumer on the product or some other skills. We will involve the completion of a sentence , which may say that â€Å"I LIKE A PURE MILK BECAUSE OF -â€Å". Prizes for this contest would be very excited for creating interest of the consumers towards it. Different cash prizes, travel allowances will be given to the winners. TRADE PROMOTIONS- Trade promotions are those that are run to elict a better and quicker response from the trade. These can be done when introducing a new product to ensure enhanced stock preceeding a good season , or block a competitor. Trade promotions are normally part of of push strategy , the assumptions here are being that if the trader has a excess stocks bought trade scheme he will be motivated to push the product in order to recover his investment as soon as possible . There are several tools for trade promotions DEALERS GIFTS- For the sake of building a strong image in the minds of the dealers our company will also provide different kinds of dealers gifts and rewards so that they feel motivated and do more hard work for increasing sale of our milk product . If we provide gifts and rewards to our dealers they feel that our company is taking care of them and they are having a great position in our company. Different kinds of travel allowances , gifts, rewards are provided by our company. Special kinds of refrigerator are to be provided by the company for preservation of milk .On the special events like on new year, Diwali, gifts are given to the traders for getting them loyal to our product. DEALER CONTEST- Dealer contest are organized by our company for changing our traders as a loyal traders of the company and motivating them. Special kinds of rewards , gifts are given by the company for the winners. POINT OF SALE MATERIALS- Our company should also provide point of sale material to our dealers and traders. Special kinds of refrigerators, boxes are provided by our company for the better preservation of our milk product in the retail stores, dairy shops and sweet shops. SHOP BOARD PAINTINGS- Special kinds of hoardings, sign boards are fixed on outside and inside the shops, retail stores, dairy shops, sweet shops for attracting more and more customers and providing information to the customers that the product is provided by this particular shop. DEALERS DISCOUNTS —For making our traders more loyal to our company special discounts are arranged by our company. The traders who will purchase our milk product in the bulk or in a continous manner , special discounts are provided by the company to them by the company. DEALERS MEET- Special meetings are arranged by the company for doing meeting with the dealers, traders as they are more closed to the customers and they are having more information about the need, wants of the customers. The meetings are organized after every one and two months for meeting more information about our product and customer perception about our product. INTRODUCING NEW TASTE OF MILK PUREMILK(â€Å"THE REAL MILK OFINDIA†) MADE IN INDIA Manufactured BY- Pure Dairy Milk Company MUMBAI Phone No-12345678 THE IMC PLANNING PROCESS Marketing communication is one of the four tools of marketing mix. Hence, it is based on the strategic laid down in the marketing plan, which in turn is derived from overall business plan. Strategic planning is the process of devising a plan of action for meeting an organization goals with its limited resources and in the wake of varying market conditions. Strategy is allowed an organization to focus on limited sources on the best available opportunities, thereby achieving sales, profits and competitive advantage growth and a sustainable competitive advantage. There are three primary components of a strategic plan- OBJECTIVES- What a company wants to achieve. Objective dictate the course of action to be taken. E.G The main objective of our company is to provide better services to the customers. Our main target market is the retails shops, sweetshops, and dairy shops are there in the Punjab. STRATEGY—A long term plan of action designed to achieve the objectives. The strategy of our company is to expand the market in rural villages and also increase the customers. TACTICS- Immediate actions with resources at hand, short-term isolated events to take advantage of opportunities at hand. E.G— Company will reduce its prices as compared to others competitors. Like the selling price of 1 Kg Milk Product is Rs 24 and Half Kg milk product is Rs. 12. The current price of milk of our competitors are 1 Kg is of Rs 28 and half Kg packet is Rs 14. Our company will also provide discounts to the retailers ,wholesalers if they purchase our product continuously or in the bulk. THE MARKETING PLAN The IMC Planning process begins with the review of marketing plan. A marketing plan is a written document that details the marketing objectives, strategies and tactics foe an organization, product or brand, and guides the marketing efforts. It is based on an in depth understanding of the firms internal and external environment- the industry, the competition, the product current positioning , its customers, etc. THE IMC PLAN- Following are the steps involved in the IMC planning process. SUITATIONAL ANAYSIS- Like the marketing plan , the promotional plan also begins with an analysis of factors that are relevant to Promotional suitation. PAST PROMOTIONAL SITUATION- Review of campaign including their objectives , audiences, strategies, tools, media, and budgets. PRODUCT SITUATION- Our company will analyse that what are products which are present in our product category. Assessment of product benefits, quality, packaging, price, image, availability, features and unique selling points. Like our product is the milk our company is providing better quality milk to our customers as compared to our competitors. Price of product is that 1litre milk packet is of Rs 28 and Half Kg is of Rs 14. Avalibility- Our milk product is available at all the sweet shops, dairy shops and all the retail stores, which are having conditions for protection of milk. IMAGE- Our company have to made a unique image in the minds of our customers. So for this we have to chose features of our product so that our customers would easily remember our product. The mane of our milk product is â€Å"PURE MILK† AND THE TAGLINE OF OUR PRODUCT IS â€Å"THE REAL MILK OF INDIA AUDIENCE SITUATION- An analysis of audience of promotion buyers, influncers, decisions makers their demographic profile and psycographic profiles, behavioural patterns and life styles, factors influencing their products purchase decisions , buying patterns. COMPETITIVE SITUATION- Promotional strategies adopted by direct and indirect competitiors. In our product our main competitors are the other milk companies like Verka, Amul. Through tjis we would analyse that what is the position of our competitors in the market, what are their strengths, weakness, their product, price etc. Regulatory situation- Regulatory authorities governing the product category and media , and rules and regulations of the government which our company has to follow. Like our company has to see that what are the factors which we have to follow for sale of our milk product in the market. Whether we have the get license from the government and have to registered our company to them. Following are the some common area of analysis. A well-known practice for analyzing and summarizing the suitation is called SWOT analysis. STRENGTH Demand profile Absolutely optimistic demand Margins- Quite reasonable, even or packed liquid milk. Flexibilty of Product mix- Tremendous with balancing equipments. Availability of raw material- Abundant more than 80% of the milk products are flowing from the unorganized sector.which requires proper channelisation. Technical margins- Professionally trained -technical human resource manpower is built in our company. WEAKNESS PERISHABILITY- The main weakness of our milk product is its persihability. Special Conditions are required so that our milk cannot get spoiled. Pasteurization has overcome this weakness partially. Surely many new process will follow to improve milk quality and for extending its shelf life. LACK OF CONTROL OVER YIELD- Theortically, there is a little control over the milk yield. However , increased awareness of developments like embryo transplant, artifical insemination and properly managed animal husbandry practices coupled with the higher income to rural milk producers should automatically lead to improve in milk yield. LOGISTICS OF PROCUREMENTS- Because of bad roads and inadequate transportation facility make milk procurement problematic. But overall economic improvement in India, will lead to the improvement in these logistic problems. PROBLEMATIC DISTRIBUTIONS- All is not well with the distribution. There is a need of emergence of a cold chain linking the producer to refrigerator at the consumers home. COMPETITION- Now a days competition is very hard in every field. Our milk company may also face competition because of new entrants in the market.Because of huge competition the market is large is enough for us to carve out their niche market.We will overcome our competitors if we provide better services to our customer than our competitors. OPPTURNITIES FOR OUR COMPANY Failures is never ending final and success never ending VALUE ADDITION- We will add value to our milk products so that customers would buy product and will attract towards our product. Our company will add value added products like shikhand,ice-cream, paneer, khoa, flavoured milk, dairy sweets,etc, this will lead to a greater presence and flexibility in the market place along with oppturnities in the field of brand building. Addition of cultural products like yoghurt and cheese tends to furthet strength both in term of utisation of resouces and presence in the market place. A lateral view opens up oppturnities in milk proteins through casein, caseinates and other dietary products, further opening up . Export Oppturnities—If our product would get position in the market we will expand our market in the foreign countries also. Export oppturnities would be seen for increasing our customers.Our company would generate export potentials like various companies i.s- Amul is expoting their products in foreign countries like Bangladesh, Sri Lanka. Yet another aspect can be addition of infants foods,geriatric fods and nutritional THREATS Milk VENDORS- Today the milk vendors in the unorganized sector are occupying the pride , the place in the industry . Organised discrimination of information about the harm that they are doing to producers and consumers should see steady decline in their importance. Delicensing in the Indian Dairy Industry has been attracting a large number of entrepreneurs . But the success of them depends on the factor such as efficient economic facilities and innovation in the market place. DETERMINE THE PROBLEM OR OPPTURNITIES- The suitation analysis done in step 1 helps us to identify problems or oppturnities concerning communications. IMC plans can solve problems like awareness or knowledge, negative attitude, misconception about our product .I n this case we have to sell our milk product to the customers or have to aware the customers towards our product. DETERMINE COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVES- Communication objectives flow marketing objectives. Our company will use different communication media for increasing the awareness of our customers towards our product. Like we can use T.V, radio, print media, hoardings, bill board to aware customers towards our product. The main objective of our different kind of communication media is same- To create awareness of our milk product To increase sale of ur milk product To build a good image of our product in minds of the customers. To provide better qualities to our customers. DETERMINE THE BUDGET After setting the communication objectives, our company has to estimate how much we are willing to spend on the promotional activities. The company has to consider various issues like how much the programme will it cost, how much it can afford how much competitors are spending. Our company can make the budget by analyzing the sales expense or estimating sales in the one territory. The Steps involved in the estimating the budget is as follows. PRODUCT TARGET-The first step in the analysing the budget is to analsye the target market that where we have to sell our product and at which region. Like our company is targeting the State Punjab . Our main target market is the sweet shops, dairy milk shops, retailers of the punjab and population of the Punjab. We have to sell our milk product there so that it would reach to all our customers. Special trade discounts, special offering are provided by our company to our traders, retailers so that feel motivated and helps us in creating awarness our product towards our product. Like special kinds of refigerators and other rewards are given by our company to the retailers, dairy milk shops and sweet shops for preserving our milk . SALES BUDGET OF OUR PRODUCT For getting information about our sale expenese, we estimate the expense occur by our company for selling it in the one small town , Dasuya. For selling our product in the Dasuya city we recruit five sales persons. There name are as follows- Mr. Sohan singh 2Mr. Mandeep Singh Mr. Akash Kumar Mr. Ram Kapoor Mr . Yashdeed We are sending our five people in different regions of Dasuya City.Like one in North Zone, One in south zone , One in East Zone, one in west zone. And one in central zone. The main benefit of sales target is Inreasing market coverage because sales persons are more close to their customers.They know where they have to go , who are their customers, how they have to communicate with their customers. It also controls selling expense and time because sales persons have to know where they have to go and at what time. Wstage of time and mone should be eliminated by this sales territory medium. It will helps in enabling better evaluation of sales force performance. It will customer relationships. Because customers feels that they are more close t company and company is providing better services to them. It helps in increasing sales and increasing profits and revenues of the company. MANAGEMENT OF TERRITORIAL COVERAGE In the travel plan of our company customers we will do sheduling of our sales persons in a straight line manner, because through it all the sales persons start their daily schedule from the headoffice from their they get the information about their daily schedule and went to their assigned places. TIME MANAGEMENT TOOLS- The timing of our sales persons starts from the morning at 9:00 A. M. In the morning they have to come to the office for betting their daily schedule . At 10: 00 A.M they have to start their daily schedule and had to go their assigned places. In the evening at 5:00 P.M they have to get back in the office and had to report the headoffice about their daily schedule , how was their day and how was their experience of the whole day. At 2:00 clock, they are having their lunch for one hour. ESTIMATION OF THE BUDGET ON THE BASIS OF EXPENSE DONE ON ONE TERRITORY Salary of one sales persons in 1 month- Rs.15000 Salary of 5 sales persons- 150000 into 5= Rs 75000 Telephones charges- 1000into 5= Rs 5000 Vehicles Charges 1000 into5 Rs 5000 Daily meals charges-1000 into5= Rs 5000 Advertisement expense on T.V = Rs 90,000 Expense on print media and other Rs. 3,00,000 Medias like radio, internet= Raw materials Expenses = Rs. 5,00,00 Other Miscellaneous expenses= Rs .15,00,000 Total expense = Rs. 24,95,000 IMPEMENTATION OF THE PLAN- After making all this IMC plan we will Implement our planning for getting results and introducing our product in the market. Different kinds of communication tools are used by our company , for getting revenues and building a strong image of our product in the market. MONITOR/EVALUTION OF PERFORMANCE- After implementing, the whole IMC plan, we will evaluate our company performance to measure the expected results with the actual result and find whether our company IMC plan was able to build a strong image of our product. Different kinds of surveys, are conducted by our expertise to check the process of our IMC and monitoring the impact of IMC on the market and consumers mind. CONCLUSION From all the above information it is cleared that IMC is a very important aspect in introducing our product in the market and getting a strong position for our product. The tools of IMC like advertisements, direct marketing are helpful for our company for establishing a strong position in the minds of the customers and IMC provide assistance for the company for achieving their goals and objectives. These are the ways for fulfilling our objectives and provides us a path for fulfilling our objectives. By choosing different types of tools we convince our customers and attract our consumers towards our product a, and as a result of which we generate lots of revenues. BIBLOGRAPHY- http:/marketing glossary www the free www scrub com/doc/17660303/nestle-imc -plan. http www//marketing.about.comp//marketingglosary//imc.htm BOOEK REFERRED- Sales And Promotion