Friday, October 18, 2019

Homework II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Homework II - Essay Example It is the hope of this author that such a unit of analysis will be beneficial to the individual with regards to seeking to understand the changes that the Affordable Health Care Act portends for the daily life and economic situation of the reader/stakeholder within society. Firstly, it must be understood that the federal agency tasked with ultimate implementation of this law is that of the Health and Human Services Department of the United States federal government. As such, this department has received a vastly increased budget as well as an increase in positions of individuals who will be responsible for the distribution and oversight of the Affordable Health Care Act. Ultimately the Health and Human Services Department is a cabinet level office that is tasked with seeking to impact upon â€Å"Improving the health, safety, and well-being of America† (Graham 1). As such, the docket number and RIN for the Affordable Healthcare Act is as follows: 0938-AR51. ... This is intended to be effected by mandating that the individual should integrate with at least some level of healthcare for themselves and for those within their family. Moreover, the Affordable Health Care Act also proposed a reconfiguration of the way in which the insurance industry within the United States sought to deal with â€Å"pre-existing conditions†; a hardship that formerly saw many tens of thousands of individuals denied coverage (Pipes 1). Finally, with regards to an overall summary concerning the basic interests for and against the legislation, it must be understood that the Affordable Health Care Act does not solve the issue of the uninsured within society. Due to exceptions and the possibility of â€Å"opting out† the uninsured can still exist; however, they will now be responsible for paying a yearly penalty for remaining uninsured. Another key shortcoming with regards to the proposed law is the fact that individual small business owners within society who might have otherwise continued to add jobs and higher more individuals since the economy has started to come back to life, are now hesitant to engage in any such action due to the fact that the healthcare bills that small firms will be saddled with, on the part of their employees, will be exorbitantly high (Avik 16). This is of course compared to the way in which healthcare costs were evidenced prior to the legislation being proposed and/or taking place. However, with regards the ultimate benefit and interest to society, it must be understood that the Affordable Health Care Act allows for a great reduction in the overall number of individuals who would have gone uninsured otherwise. By providing an incentive to become insured in reducing the overall level of obstacles that it formerly

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