Friday, November 15, 2019

We Need an Amendment Outlawing Flag Desecration :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays

We Need an Amendment Outlawing Flag Desecration In an attempt to make outrageous political statements, people often go to extremes: monks burn themselves to express freedom from religious intolerance, civilians stand in front of military tanks to stop them from destroying their city, and others burn or tear up flags to demonstrate their beliefs on issues from racism to war. Although flag desecration is the least violent of these three examples, it should be banned with an amendment because the flag is a symbol of freedom. Flag defilement is seen in many forms, such as- spitting on, tearing apart, or burning. During the 1960’s, a time of despair and revolution, flag vandalism proliferated. In effort to alter their lifestyle, Americans stampeded the streets ruining the symbol of freedom in the name of politics and racism. The violent array of insubordination created an immediate reaction. Each protest became more violent and ill mannered. Each time someone demolishes a flag, the act is not freedom of speech- it is an expression of an anti-American lifestyle. During the Vietnam War, activists ironically demolished the flag to bring back the men fighting overseas. The same men who were fighting for the freedoms of Americans and the symbol of America. These soldiers believed in America as a country and the flag as a badge of democracy and freedom so much, they risked their lives and almost 60,000 American soldiers died to preserve America’s freedoms. Those who have lost family members in a vicious battle will understand that it is not a sign of admiration to disgrace the icon for which these young men died to defend-- many between the ages of 17 to 24. In honor of those who may die for our country in the future, the Senate should pass an amendment outlawing flag desecration. As a daughter of an American soldier– who fought in both

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