Monday, January 20, 2020

The Tale of Genji by Murasaki Shikibu Essay -- The Heian Period, Japan

Being a student interested in the field of biology, one knows that studying life in the past plays an important role in the history of organisms that lived on this earth. Similarly, being Japanese, studying the past of how Japanese were plays an important role in Japanese history. Despite all the general aspects of life that have changed from the Heian period, the one idea that has definitely not changed is the romantic relationships between a man and woman. Though the general concept is the same, from reading The Tale of Genji, it is what was considered the ideal woman and ideal man that were both surprising and thus worth discussing. Written around 978 by Murasaki Shikibu, The Tale of Genji, regarded as the world’s first novel, is an excellent source describing the ideal woman and man during the Heian period. Life in the Heian period revolved around the court and the social hierarchy that came with it. Thus it is completely understandable that one of the most important characteristics of an ideal man or woman was the person’s ranking. For most women, especially those in the lower ranks, to be able to give birth to a son whose father was of high rank would up her own status. Note however, though that she did not need to marry the father, and this was indeed the case for many women. The main reason for this is because men, especially those with high ranks like Genji and Tà µ no Chujà µ had affairs with many women regardless to who they themselves were married. Genji and Tà µ no Chujà µ both knew that because of their high rank, they could for the most part, get any woman they wished. Yet, it is b ecause of this that in The Tale of Genji, they could actually seriously consider various characteristics that they feel represente... ...whereas the ideal man would be one of high rank, faithful and had a tenderness and eloquence. The main trait discussed that would still apply personally as an ideal man and woman though would be one who was faithful. Though appearance is still a factor, what is considered beautiful has changed and a social hierarchy in the United States does not exist today. All in all, a relationship between a man and woman is an important aspect of anyone’s life, regardless of the place in history, and studying these aspects from a great novel like The Tale of Genji, plays a vital role in understanding Japanese culture. Works Cited Shikibu, Murasaki. The Tale of Genji. NY, NY: Penguin Classics, 2001. 319. Print. Smits, Gregory. "The Heian Period Aristocrats." East Asian History. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb 2011. .

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